Don’t Should on Yourself - How the Word ‘Should’ Can be Harmful
How often do you use the word should? How often do we say things like ‘I should really get back to the gym,’ or ‘I should be eating better,’ or ‘I should have finished that faster.’ Gosh, none of that sounds supportive, and in fact, it all sounds like there have been mistakes made, and shame to go around. When we use the word should when referring to something we believe we ought to be doing or a certain way we ought to be feeling, it almost always leads to us feeling shameful about what is. Should takes us out of the present, and into a space that we wish we were living in.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Virtual Therapy
Over the past few years, many individuals in our world have changed and transitioned several things in their lives. One of maybe the biggest changes, has been the world of online everything, opening up. Another area of mental health that has shifted to online, is therapy, and studies have resoundingly shown that online therapy can be just as effective as in person therapy. Here are some pros and cons to virtual therapy.

What is an RN Psychotherapist?
You may have heard the terms psychotherapist or psychotherapy before, and maybe you don’t even really know what they mean. Yes, not every nurse starts IV’s, or assists in the OR, or attends to traumas in the ER. I know, a lot of people have pretty specific ideas about what nurses do, but I’m here to tell you about a whole different role that nurses can fulfil!

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy All About Anyway?
Have you ever heard the terms cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT? You might hear about them a lot, but maybe you don’t know exactly what cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is, or how it can be helpful. Or maybe you think that CBT is only for people in therapy and how could it possibly be applicable for someone like you? CBT has many working parts, but here is a basic tip-of-the-iceberg run down of the theory itself, some common thinking traps and some ways to dismantle these thoughts.

Replacing BUT with AND - Can it Make a Difference?
Have you ever had anyone say to you ‘I love that blue shirt you’re wearing, but I liked the one you had on yesterday,’ or, ‘that report looks great, but if you just change a couple things about the introduction, it might be a bit stronger.’ Huh. That ‘but’ isn’t just a bit frustrating, it’s also a word that has a significant meaning to, and behind it.