Frequently Asked Questions about RN Psychotherapy
Is RN Psychotherapy covered by my insurance benefits?
Some insurance providers will cover RN psychotherapy services, and alternatively some insurance providers will cover these services under private nursing benefits. Please connect with your insurance provider if you have questions about your coverage. For those who have Green Shield as a benefit provider, and are connected through Bruce Power, you are covered. Notably, some insurance providers will not cover nursing services at all.
Is an RN Psychotherapist different than a Registered Psychotherapist?
Some insurance companies will cover a registered psychotherapist, who is registered with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO), and yes, this is different than a nurse therapist. RN psychotherapists have additional training, education and skills that uniquely qualify them to engage in psychotherapy. Although nurses can choose to be registered with the CRPO, under provincial legislation, it’s not necessary. I am incredibly proud to be a registered nurse, particularly one with advanced education and skills that allow me to offer this unique opportunity to others, through a nurse therapist lens. I choose to remain registered in only one regulatory college, the College of Nurses of Ontario.
What is your exact title?
I am an registered nurse, psychotherapist. I use this protected title under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA). I am registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) and my registration number is 0304956.
How long are the sessions?
Typically the consultation session is about an hour, and follow up sessions are booked for 50 minutes. If your appointments are virtual or over the phone, you will require a quiet space, and/or a device that has camera and audio capabilities.
What if I can’t make my appointment?
Life happens, I absolutely get it. If you need to cancel an appointment, I kindly ask that you do so with as much notice as possible. There is a cancellation fee: If you can give me 24hrs notice, there is no fee. If you cancel without 24hrs notice, there is a fee of 50% of your appointment (either Intake assessment or a follow up appointment).